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Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B20 is a double beam designed UV-Vis spectrophotometer, offers 190 to 1100 nm of wavelength range with C-T monochromator and 1600 L/mm holographic grating. Features 3D spectrogram measurement for sample with dynamic change, this spectrophotometer has adjustable Spectral bandwidth of 1.0 nm to 5.0 nm. Designed compactly with fixed 2 trench sample holder, deuterium and tungsten lamp as light source, it has automatic calibration. Equipped with photomultiplier sensor, digital signal and USB interface, 4 quartz cuvette, this spectrophotometer provides high resolution, low stray light, lasting stability, and powerful software function.

Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer LUS-B20

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